Annybody want to hear a story with a Happ Ending?
(too old to reply)
Jim E
2008-04-22 07:33:42 UTC
Over five weeks ago my dog got loose under mysterious circumstances. The dog
being 130lbs and a mostly Doby/Rot mix he is readily spotable.
Animal Control called about four days into this ordeal and said they had
chased him about three miles toward where I live from the center of a fairly
large town, where he took off up a power line road and was lost again.
Over subsequent weeks I received reports of further sightings, and explored
each one to no avail.
During these weeks we have had snow and mid thirties temperatures, weird for
western Washington
The Animal Control folks made it clear that if this dog was going to be
caught, I would have to do it as he was a runner.
Last week I received a call that he had been spotted in a trailer park about
two miles away, I went there and talked to the lady who had spotted him and
she gave permission to search her back yard saying he had been sleeping
under a bush there.
As I looked around her back Yard I saw her crawl space door open, I stuck my
head in and called my dog.
the dog then quietly came around the far corner of the home and firmly
lodged his head between my knees.
He is home.
Five weeks.
He left at 130lbs
Came home at 98 lbs
Vet checked and given a rating of two.
But given a good bill of health otherwise, no parasites
He's eating like a pig now that we let him have what he wants, and mostly
sleeping a lot.
He has been home a week and is doing great.
He does seem to have less interest in the outdoors however.
Is this a better ending than anyone could expect at two or three weeks into
such an ordeal?
I gave the Animal control people a $100 donation and they were somewhat

Gawd I love happy endings.

Jim E
Jim E
2008-04-22 07:35:27 UTC
Nothing worse than doing a typo in the subject line.

Jim E
Diane Koers
2008-04-22 13:29:46 UTC
Good story Jim. Glad it had a happy ending. Thanks for sharing it.
Post by Jim E
Nothing worse than doing a typo in the subject line.
Jim E
2008-06-28 15:31:37 UTC
Post by Jim E
Nothing worse than doing a typo in the subject line.
Jim E
No problem with that - my mind supplied the "y" and I didn't even see
the typo. Was hungry for a happy ending. Thanks.
