2007-10-02 12:55:33 UTC
a new puppy golden retreiver was added to my family last week and i am
suprised at how rough play gets with my other year and a half old golden
retreiver.... should i be intervening with this behaviour? there is some
growling, but it doen't seem very serious, an occasional yelp from either
dog, but no snarling or staring. there is a lot of open mouth play, and they
show their teeth, which i am particularly worried about.... they take turns
lying on their backs, 4 paws up in the air, and it seems as though they
thoroughly enjoy it.... when one of them rests the other pokes until they
get up and play some more. is this normal behaviour? or should i stop it
immediately? thanks :)
suprised at how rough play gets with my other year and a half old golden
retreiver.... should i be intervening with this behaviour? there is some
growling, but it doen't seem very serious, an occasional yelp from either
dog, but no snarling or staring. there is a lot of open mouth play, and they
show their teeth, which i am particularly worried about.... they take turns
lying on their backs, 4 paws up in the air, and it seems as though they
thoroughly enjoy it.... when one of them rests the other pokes until they
get up and play some more. is this normal behaviour? or should i stop it
immediately? thanks :)