2009-03-18 15:17:37 UTC
HOWEDY Reginald,
Thanks for gettin the ball rollin... as HOWER dog
lover pals post their idiotic, insane, innane replies
I'll reply to you postin their own POSTED CASE
ABUSE an MURDERIN their own fearful, neurotic,
hyperactive an deathly ill dogs <{}:~ ( >
From: A Poor Shepherd Boy And His Dog At His Masters Feet
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 03:13:59 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Dog Whisperer's Pit Bulls????
HOWEDY sandman,
intimidating EVERY dog in his "PACK". HOWEver,
soon as WON dog turns on HIM, or if the ces turns
his back on them, his own dogs would attack and
murder him in a New York second like HOWE any
other gang of Mexican thugs takin CON-TROLL of
their ringleader <{}: ~ ( >
As "PACK LEADER" the ces relies on FEAR FORCE
TROLL of his TERRORFIED family pack of "calm
submissive" dogs.
the ces to deamonstrate EXXXACTLY that point. All the
ces's dogs need is to have WON dog NOT FEAR his so
called authority or WON human visitor tell him to go shit
in his sombrero and his FAMILY PACK of fearful dogs
will tear him a new a$$HOWEL <{}: ~ ) >
under strict intimidation, therefore they all fear him equally.
HOWEver, it will take only WON dog to challenge HIM and
his gravey train turns into the Big Brown River <{}: ~ ( >
coward and fraud. I've proven this FACT many times.
I personally believe he's a sissy man.
You can tell by HOWE he walks an talks.
publicized on Jew run National Geographic T.V. <{}: ~ ( >
"DON LOOK. DON TOUCH. Let them come to you" as
he intimidates each approaching dog to remind them who's
the boss.
His "successfully rehabilitated" dogs NEED CONSTANT
otherWIZE they revert back to their WILD state.
HOWE in the heel do you think he got hisself a pack of
more than thirty dogs? You think he went into the gang
infested areas of L.A. and ADOPTED them? Pussyman
woulda got hisself raped beaten an robbed.
"The Jews start to panic about being exposed and therefore up
their attack on breaking down America, by encouraging the illegal
immigration of millions of Mexicans into America, and then using
their lobby groups to get the government to give them all amnesty.
The idea is many fold, but it includes: using their centuries old
policy of divide and conquer; getting cheap labour for the
multinational companies they own; and using the social and
economic problem of massive Mexican immigration to divert the
Americans attention from Jewish supremacism."
the ces is a ILLEGAL Mexican. He should have his assets seized
and be deported to Sunny Mehico like any illegal criminal. Let the
taco bender take his wife and kids with him if Ol Mehico will accept
Where does the ces get his GENIUS dog trainin methods?
The Koehler Method of Dog Training (1962).
New York: Howell Book Book House(p. 52-53)."
"First, the trainer makes certain that the collar and leash
are more than adequate for any jerk or strain that the dog's
most frantic actions could cause. Then he starts to work the
dog deliberately and fairly to the point where the dog makes
his grab. Before the teeth have reached their target, the dog,
weight permitting, is jerked from the ground.
As in coping with some of the afore-mentioned problems the dog
is suspended in mid-air. However, to let the biting dog recover
his footing while he still had the strength to renew the attack
would be cruelty.
The only justifiable course is to hold him suspended until he
has neither the strength nor inclination to renew the fight.
When finally it is obvious that he is physically incapable of
expressing his resentment and is lowered to the ground, he will
probably stagger loop-legged for a few steps, vomit once or twice,
and roll over on his side.
The sight of a dog lying, thick-tongued, on his side, is
not pleasant, but do not let it alarm you
"If your dog is a real "hood" who would regard the foregoing
types of protest as "kid stuff" and would express his resentment
of your efforts by biting, your problem is difficult -- and
"Professional trainers often get these extreme problems. Nearly
always the "protest biter" is the handiwork of a person who, by
avoiding situations that the dog might resent, has nurtured the s
eeds of rebellion and then cultivated the resultant growth with
under correction.
When these people reap their inevitable and oftentimes
painful harvest, they are ready to avail themselves of
"the cruel trainer" whose advice they may have once
rejected because it was incompatible with the sugary
droolings of mealy-mouthed columnists, breed-ring biddies,
and dog psychologists who, by the broken skins and broken
hearts their misinformation causes, can be proven guilty
of the greatest act of cruelty to animals since the dawn
of time.
"With more genuine compassion for the biting dog than would
ever be demonstrated by those who are "too kind" to make a
correction and certainly with more disregard for his safety,
the professional trainer morally feels obligated to perform
a "major operation."
"Since we are presently concerned with the dog that bites in
resentment of the demands of training, we will set our example
in that situation. (In a later chapter we will deal with the with
the much easier problem of the dog that bites someone other
than his master."
Not so handsome, not so gentle, not so manly, not so
happy jackass not even morrison aka dogman aka BIG
DADDY tommy sorenson sez:
"I don't know how big you are, kiddo, so this may
not be as easy for you as it is for me, but use
a little "knee action," that is, as the dog goes
charging by you, just give the dog a little bop
with your knee and shin. Yep, really lean into it.
Even knock her over, if you can, but make sure to
make her think twice about rushing past you again -
- which is exactly what you want her to do.
Don't bother with scolding her, she'll get the message.
If it happens again, just REPEAT the knee action.
When she steps on your toes, just pick up your foot
abruptly and nudge her with your knee. Again, no
scolding is necessary here, so you don't have to
worry about her "over-reacting."
I don't think this is necessarily a lack of respect
for you, just a lack of training. That is, she just
needs *more* of it."
"My objective is always to find a way that WORKS.
And if it is DANGEROUS behavior that I'm trying
to modify, behavior than can get the dog KILLED,
I will resort to ANYTHING to save him.
Okay. Call me a cruel, inhumane, abusive bastard
if you want to, but it doesn't affect me at all.
When you've saved the lives of as many dogs as I
have, you'll learn that that's the only thing that
really matters. Saving lives and making dogs become
good citizens
At no time do the Monks *ever* advocate beating a
dog. A swat on the rump or a check to the chin does
*not* constitute a "beating."
Where does the ces learn to abuse innocent defenseless
dumb critters like that? EZ, he learned it from his
koehler book:
"This, from a yellow-bellied coward who has TOTALLY refused
to engage me in debate, preferring mudslinging, hyperbole,
distortion, lies, exaggeration, and to take Koehler completely
out of context, instead," From: *** (Dogman) Date:
Subject: Re: Koehler's Usefulness--A Concluding Assessment
ALL Critters Only Respond In
To Situations And Circumstances Of Their Environment
Which We Create For Them:
Damn The Descartean War of "Nature Vs Nurture."
We Teach By HOWER Words And Actions
"Only the unenlightened speak of wisdom and right action
as separate, not the wise.
If any man knows one, he enjoys the fruit of both.
The level which is reached by wisdom
is attained
through right action as well.
He who perceives that the two are one knows the truth."
"Even the wise man acts in character with his nature,
indeed all creatures act according to their natures.
What is the use of compulsion then?
The love and hate which are aroused
by the objects of sense arise from Nature,
do not yield to them.
They only obstruct the path," -
- Bhagavad Gita,
adapted by Krishna with permission
from His OWN FREE copy of The Simply
Amazing Puppy Wizard's FREE Wits' End
Dog Training Method manual <{) ; ~ ) >
"The day may come when the rest of the animal creation
may acquire those rights
which never could have been withholden from them
but by the hand of tyranny.
The question is not can they REASON,
nor can they TALK,
but can they SUFFER?" -
- Jeremy Bentham
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised
for the good of its victims,
may be the most oppressive.
Those who torment us for our own good
will torment us without end,
for they do so with the approval of
their own conscience." -
- C.S. Lewis.
"Death is better, a milder fate than tyranny",
Aeschylus (525BC-456BC),
Adventures Of Z Dog Wheeesperer
Butch, English Bull Dog
HOWEDY People,
Welcome to The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely
Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child,
Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And
SUCCESSFUL FREE WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual
Forums And Human And Animal Behavior Forensic Sciences
Research Laboratory.
I'm Jerry Howe, The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely
Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child, Pussy,
Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizard,
Director Of Trainin an Research. You'll find me live and
in person at
topics?hl=en <{}: ~ ) >
Here's my manual:
There you will find ALL the FREE information you need
to pupperly handle raise and train your pets and family.
Just follow the instructions PRECISELY and ASK me if
you need any additional FREE HEELP <{}: ~ ) >
Butch, English Bull Dog
Butch tells the ces that his bitE *IS WORSE* than his bark.
"He's UNBALANCED," sez the ces... "Pinning dog to floor
returns IT to state of BALANCE. I'm as much SPIRITUAL
energy as PHYSICAL," sez cesar millan, z dog wheeesperer <{}: ~ ) >
Here's cesar's "SPIRITUAL ENERGY" spillin HOWETA his physical body:
Is that Stigmata??
No, it's the RESULT of ABUSE and SHEER IDIOCY <{}: ~ ( >
Here's cesar's TOOLS:
"Loop the lead (it's basically a GIANT nylon or leather
choke collar) over his snarly little head, and give him a
stern correction" --Janet Boss
to the floor in a remarkable deamonstration of PSYCHOLOGICAL
dog trainin <{}: ~ ( >
Masochist), who doesn't mind gettin attacked when "facing
down fighting dogs *(who are actually GLADIATORS) in the
highest state of aggression," to jerk choke and intimidate
their dogs into a calm submissive state for them, using the
TOOLS of their PREFERENCE, usually pronged spiked pinch or
slip choke collars and restriction harnesses or "gentle
leader TM" neck twisters and shock collars <{}: ~ ( >
"It is by muteness that a dog becomes
so utterly beyond value."
Like a confessor Priest?
"With him, words play no torturing tricks..., "
--John Galsworthy.
Don't bet your dog won't tell on you...
Their behaviors reflect
HOWER words, actions and training quirks.
Jerry HOWE, The Puppy Wizard. <{} ; ~ ) >
Here's your dog abusin coward pal cesar millan, z dog
wheeesperer, abusin your dog and gettin attacked while
"teachin IT" not to have so much FUN playin with the
garden hose:
Here's Sunshine, The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely
Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child, Pussy,
Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizard's
FREE WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual Student, bein
TRAINED to not obsess over the hose:
Where does the ces learn to abuse innocent defenseless
dumb critters like that? EZ, he learned it from his
koehler book:
"This, from a yellow-bellied coward who has TOTALLY refused
to engage me in debate, preferring mudslinging, hyperbole,
distortion, lies, exaggeration, and to take Koehler completely
out of context, instead," From: *** (Dogman) Date:
Subject: Re: Koehler's Usefulness--A Concluding Assessment
The Koehler Method of Dog Training (1962).
New York: Howell Book Book House(p. 52-53)."
"First, the trainer makes certain that the collar and leash
are more than adequate for any jerk or strain that the dog's
most frantic actions could cause. Then he starts to work the
dog deliberately and fairly to the point where the dog makes
his grab. Before the teeth have reached their target, the dog,
weight permitting, is jerked from the ground.
As in coping with some of the afore-mentioned problems the dog
is suspended in mid-air. However, to let the biting dog recover
his footing while he still had the strength to renew the attack
would be cruelty.
The only justifiable course is to hold him suspended until he
has neither the strength nor inclination to renew the fight.
When finally it is obvious that he is physically incapable of
expressing his resentment and is lowered to the ground, he will
probably stagger loop-legged for a few steps, vomit once or twice,
and roll over on his side.
The sight of a dog lying, thick-tongued, on his side, is
not pleasant, but do not let it alarm you
"If your dog is a real "hood" who would regard the foregoing
types of protest as "kid stuff" and would express his resentment
of your efforts by biting, your problem is difficult -- and
"Professional trainers often get these extreme problems. Nearly
always the "protest biter" is the handiwork of a person who, by
avoiding situations that the dog might resent, has nurtured the s
eeds of rebellion and then cultivated the resultant growth with
under correction.
When these people reap their inevitable and oftentimes
painful harvest, they are ready to avail themselves of
"the cruel trainer" whose advice they may have once
rejected because it was incompatible with the sugary
droolings of mealy-mouthed columnists, breed-ring biddies,
and dog psychologists who, by the broken skins and broken
hearts their misinformation causes, can be proven guilty
of the greatest act of cruelty to animals since the dawn
of time.
"With more genuine compassion for the biting dog than would
ever be demonstrated by those who are "too kind" to make a
correction and certainly with more disregard for his safety,
the professional trainer morally feels obligated to perform
a "major operation."
"Since we are presently concerned with the dog that bites in
resentment of the demands of training, we will set our example
in that situation. (In a later chapter we will deal with the with
the much easier problem of the dog that bites someone other
than his master."
Not so handsome, not so gentle, not so manly, not so
happy jackass not even morrison aka dogman aka BIG
DADDY tommy sorenson sez:
"I don't know how big you are, kiddo, so this may
not be as easy for you as it is for me, but use
a little "knee action," that is, as the dog goes
charging by you, just give the dog a little bop
with your knee and shin. Yep, really lean into it.
Even knock her over, if you can, but make sure to
make her think twice about rushing past you again -
- which is exactly what you want her to do.
Don't bother with scolding her, she'll get the message.
If it happens again, just REPEAT the knee action.
When she steps on your toes, just pick up your foot
abruptly and nudge her with your knee. Again, no
scolding is necessary here, so you don't have to
worry about her "over-reacting."
I don't think this is necessarily a lack of respect
for you, just a lack of training. That is, she just
needs *more* of it."
"My objective is always to find a way that WORKS.
And if it is DANGEROUS behavior that I'm trying
to modify, behavior than can get the dog KILLED,
I will resort to ANYTHING to save him.
Okay. Call me a cruel, inhumane, abusive bastard
if you want to, but it doesn't affect me at all.
When you've saved the lives of as many dogs as I
have, you'll learn that that's the only thing that
really matters. Saving lives and making dogs become
good citizens
At no time do the Monks *ever* advocate beating a
dog. A swat on the rump or a check to the chin does
*not* constitute a "beating."
"This, from a yellow-bellied coward who has TOTALLY refused
to engage me in debate, preferring mudslinging, hyperbole,
distortion, lies, exaggeration, and to take Koehler completely
out of context, instead," From: *** (Dogman) Date:
Subject: Re: Koehler's Usefulness--A Concluding Assessment
ALL Critters Only Respond In
To Situations And Circumstances Of Their Environment
Which We Create For Them:
Damn The Descartean War of "Nature Vs Nurture."
We Teach By HOWER Words And Actions
In The Problem Animal Behavior BUSINESS
For The Problem Child Behavior BUSINESS.
"Things do not change; we change." - Henry David Thoreau
Seems what the ces "teaches" "US" is to EXXXCESSIVELY
EXXXORCISE the dog into an EXXXHAUSTED state he calls
calm submission and then terrorizes IT into attackin him, an then
jerks an chokes the dog an pins IT to the floor "till dog accept you
LEADERSHIP" <{}: ~ ) >
And of curse, that NEVER WORKS in the long run. the ces's
"students" MUST ALWAYS jerk choke and intimidate their dogs
Here's the SCIENCE:
B.F. Skinner: Re-evaluation of Punishment
Punishment, unfortunately traditionally overused,
actually has been proven not effective at long-
term behavioral change, and creatures will find
other ways of getting what it wants. In "Freedom
and the control of men" American Scholar, Winter
1955-56, 25, 47-65. 1956 he states:
If we no longer resort to torture in what we call
the civilized world, we nevertheless still make
extensive use of punitive techniques in both
domestic and foreign relations. And apparently for
good reasons. Nature if not God has created man
in such a way that he can be controlled punitively.
People quickly become skillful punishers (if not,
thereby, skillful controllers), whereas alternative
positive measures are not easily learned.
The need for punishment seems to have the support
of history, and alternative practices threaten the
cherished values of freedom and dignity.
Fear involved with punishment causes frustration:
with typical results loathing, hostility and apathy.
Skinner's teaching on the superiority of posittive
reinforcement's benefits for keeping desired behavior
have proved very valuable.
In the followin SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH STUDY, you may
substitute pronged spiked pinch or slip choke collars
for shock and add PUNISHMENT, SCOLDING and witholding
attention and affection:
Psychological Effects
At issue is the question, --Do electronic training
devices elicit psychological responses?
"This section cites several research studies in which the
psychological impact of the use of electronic training devices
was analyzed. It is difficult, at best, for anyone to determine
the full psychological effect of these devices or training methods
until we can agree on exactly what constitutes a stress signal in
a domestic dog. Not only do none of the researchers agree on
what it is, but it varies from dog to dog.
It is even more difficult for humans to determine the full effect
of shock on a dog (or any animal) due to the animal's hard-wired
need to hide pain in order to survive in the wild.
Training dogs with the help of the shock collar: Short and long
term behavioral effects. (Schilder, M. & van der Borga, J. (2004).
Applied Animal Behavior Science, 85, 319-334).
The goal of this study was to determine the behavioral changes in
dogs during training using electronic training collars. Thirty-two
dogs were divided into two groups, each receiving both general
obedience and protection training.
One group was trained with shock collars and the other group
without shock collars. The dogs trained with the shock collars
displayed signs of stress: lowering of body posture, high-pitched
yelps, barks and squeals, avoidance, redirected aggression, and
tongue flicking.
It was also noted by the authors that, even during play and relaxed
walking, the group of dogs trained with shock collars continued to
show signs of stress while in the company of their handler.
The authors concluded that shock-collar training is stressful;
receiving shocks is a painful experience to dogs; and the shock
group of dogs evidently learned that the presence of their owner
(or his commands) announced the reception of shocks, even
outside of the normal training context.
They suggest that the welfare of these shocked dogs is at
stake, at least in the presence of their owners.
This study has come under considerable fire because the experience
of the handlers and dogs is not clear, and the level of shock is not
stated. With that said, it does suggest that dogs are stressed by the
experience of being shocked during training.
Abuse / Fear / Aggression / Hyperactivity / Shyness /
Depression / Suicide Attempts AIN'T Genetic Problems,
Passed On From WON GeneratiHOWEN Of Abuser
To The Next,
Like The 100th Monkey Washin Fruit In The Stream;
After A While It's Not Just NORMAL, It's -OBLIGATORY-
To Do OtherWIZE Would Be
Of Your Parental Teachins.
The Puppy Wizard's SYNDROME Is the Perfect Synergy Of Love,
Pride, Desire, Shame, Greed, Ego, Fear, Hate, Reflex, Self
Will, Arrogance, Ignorance, Predjudice, Cowardice, Disbelief,
Jealousy, Embarrassment, Embellishment, Guilt, Anger,
Hopelessness, Helplesness, Aversion, Attraction, Inhibition,
Revulsion, Repulsion, Change, Permanence, Enlightenment, Insult,
Attrition And Parental / ReligiHOWES / Societal CONDITIONING;
It Is The Perfect Fusion Of The Word..., In The Physical.
"Only the unenlightened speak of wisdom and right action
as separate, not the wise.
If any man knows one, he enjoys the fruit of both.
The level which is reached by wisdom
is attained
through right action as well.
He who perceives that the two are one knows the truth."
"Even the wise man acts in character with his nature,
indeed all creatures act according to their natures.
What is the use of compulsion then?
The love and hate which are aroused
by the objects of sense arise from Nature,
do not yield to them.
They only obstruct the path," -
- Bhagavad Gita,
adapted by Krishna with permission
from His OWN FREE copy of The Simply
Amazing Puppy Wizard's FREE Wits' End
Dog Training Method manual <{) ; ~ ) >
ALL Temperament And Behavior Problems Are CAUSED BY
As A Mass Murderer Is A Mass Murderer.
In The Problem Animal Behavior BUSINESS
For The Problem Child Behavior BUSINESS.
"As is above, so is below":
Subject: Re: Discipline
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 02:43:46 -0500
From: Amanda <***>
To: "N
On Wednesday 15 January 2003 01:54, "N wrote:
i responded in katie's mail.. youll get it before this one :)
i'm not the expert.. mr. howe is teaching me.. and im figuring
alot out.. plus its just coming to me.. two months ago i would
cry cuz i was soooo lost... and now i go ahead and live it...
like he gave me just enough for my brain to fill in the rest?
when i would swat in my early parent years.. up until i got
crunchy this last year.. i swore spanking was great.. a lil
bit of fear in yo' momma is what i would say.. and my family
supported me.. you can spank and not be abusive.
then i felt guilty... not because i knew better, but becuase
you guys and others did it wihtout spanking.. better than me...
but i would still say i just have bad kids.. then i started
feeling guilty..asked for help.. got some advice and it worked
some.. but not much.. enough to make me think i did it.. then
it wouldn't help..
then i heard him tell someone on the news group:
"Do you think hitting babies is intelligent" and i was
like whoa.. now i feel like cockaroach and pray every
time i distract them that they can somehow grow up
not to hate me..
and i pray i caught myself in enough time.
willing to DEFEND HISSELF.
That comes from ***HIS*** PARENTAL TEACHINS <{}'; ~ ) >
do you suppHOWES this pathetic ignorameHOWES coward
AIN'T been able to TRAIN his dog not to FEAR and ATTACK him??
just like mom humans. Studies have shown that abusive mom dogs
are usually the result of abusive owners <{}: ~ ( >
Perhaps THAT'S on accHOWENTA her EXXXPERTEASE *(dismal failure) as a
competent teacher and parent? OtherWIZE the child woulda
LEARNED HOWE to behave apupriately and be RESPECTFUL of her wishes?
of PRIVILEDGES? No cookie? Some children DON'T FEAR losin a treat
or bein banished to their crate or goin to bed withHOWET dinner
or gettin a beatin with a heavy man's leather belt <{}: ~ ( >
it becomes a deamonstration of ALPHA LEADERSHIP:
Subject: < BEFORE -> "Jerry, You filthy, Unctuous,
No Good Charlatan,"
< AFTER -> "Thank You Jerry For Putting Up With
A Constant Barrage Of Really Infantile
Crap At The Hands Of Supposedly Adult
Dog Lovers.
'Naive' Is Believing You Can Terrorize
A Dog Into Good Behavior," Robert Crim.
Crim wrote this about *YOU,* you insipid piece of cow dung!
I assume that I and my wife are those two naive childs
since I freely admit to having read and, I hope, understood
enough of the manual and it's counterparts by John Fisher
and the posts of Marilyn Rammell to believe and use it.
This naive child would like to say thank you to both
Jerry and Marilyn for putting up with a constant barrage
of really infantile crap at the hands of supposedly
adult dog lovers.
The other naive child (LSW) has to put up with the
nagging idea that if people like them had been posting
earlier, maybe we would not have had to hold the head
of a really magnificent animal in our arms while he was
given the needle and having to hug him and wait until he
gasped his last gasp.
To my mind, "naive" is believing you can terrorize a dog.
Naive is believing that people that hide behind fake
names are more honest than people that use their real
names. Naive is thinking that dilettante dog breeders
and amateur "trainers" like Joey (lyingdogDUMMY, j.h.)
are the equal or better than those that have studied and
lived by their craft for decades.
"Stupid" is believing that people do not see kindergarten
level insults for what they are. Really stupid is believing
that people like Jerry Howe and Marilyn Rammell are
going to just go away because you people act like fools.
Why do you act like fools? I really have no idea, and I
don't really care.
take it down to the Animal Shelter for their use and
testing. You would never believe the results, so you'll
never know.
Wife and Rollei will just have to get what we deserve,
eh? As Joey (Dogman) says, "poor Rollei.".......right.
Robert, Longsuffering Wife and Rollei (do I get to
listen to the box first?)
Crim wrote THAT about *YOU,* tommy, "you insipid piece of cow dung!"
Abused children often grow up to become SADO-MASOCHISTS
like the ces, who ENJOYS HURTIN and GETTIN HURT, or become
MASS MURDERERS, like Hitler and Eichmann or Ted Bundy, or
child molestors, like John Cooey <{}: ~ ( >
This is going to sound counter-intuitive, but really, you're askin
liars, dog abusers, cowards, and active, accute, chronic, life long
incurable malignant maliciHOWES mental cases who believe
that obedience training with pronged spiked pinch choke and
shock collars, offering and witholding bribes, locking dogs in
boxes and ignoring their cries and spraying aversives in their
faces and surgically sexually mutilating and murdering innocent
defenseless dumb critters is the best thing for him.
These pathetic miserable stinkin rotten lyin animal murderin
mental cases think that suffering CONSEQUENCES will give
him the sense that his behavior controls what happens to him:
"No more random world. He needs a schedule for food, sleep,
outside bathroom breaks, training, and exercise",
"Postitive emotions arising in connection
with the perfection of a skill, irrespective
of its pragmatic significance at a given
moment, serve as the reinforcement. IOW,
emotions, not outside rewards, are what
reinforces any behavior," Ivan Pavlov.
Sam Corson, Pavlov's Last Student Demonstrated At UofOH,
That Rehabilitation Of Hyperactive Dogs Can Easily And
Readily Be Done Using TLC. Tender Loving Care Is At The
Root Of The Scientific Management Of Doggies.
"All animals learn best through play," Lorenz.
"Despite Skinner's clear denunciation of "negative
reinforcement" (1958) NEARLY EVERY LEARNING
THEORY model involves the USE OF PUNISHMENT.
Of curse, Skinner has never to my knowledge,
demonstrated HOWE we escape the phenomenon
that an expected reward not received is experienced
as a punishment and can produce extensive and
persistent aggression (Azrin et al, 1966)."
"It is NO WONDER that the marked changes in
deviant behavior of children can be achieved
through brief, simple educative routines with
their mothers which modify the mother's social
behaviors shaping the child (Whaler, 1966). Some
clinics have reported ELIMINATION ofthe need for
child THERAPY through changing the clinical emphasis
from clinical to parental HANDLING of the child
(Szrynski 1965).
A large number of cases improved sufficiently after
preliminary contact with parents that NO treatment
of children was required, and almost ALL cases
SHOWE a remarkably shortened period for therapy.
Quite severe cases of anorexia nervosa have been
treated in own to five months by simply REPLACING
the parents temporarily with EFFUSIVELY LOVING
SUBSTITUTES (Groen, 1966)."
"The IMBECILITY of some of the claims for operant
technique simply take the breath away. Lovas et al
(1966) report a standard contingent reward/punishment
procedure developing imitative speech in two severly
disturbed non verbal schizophrenic boys. After twenty-
six days the boys are reported to have been learning
new words with alacrity. HOWEver, when REWARDS
were moved to a delayed contingency the behavoir and
learning immediately deteriorated.
Programs utilizing the "contingencies of reinforcement
model" proposed by Skinner (1963) are no more well
established in research than the various dynamic therapists.
Research in four areas : 1) direct evaluation of programmed
systems for learning; 2) reinforcement; 3) cognitive dissonance;
and 4) motivation, MOST SURELY DEMOLISH the claims
of operant programers."
DESPITE ALL THAT, and MORE, these pathetic miserable
stinkin rotten lyin animal murderin mental cases think that they
can jerk choke shock bribe crate intimidate mutilate an murder
innocent defenseless dumb critters with impunity and BLAME
the DOG, the BREED, or the BREEDER for not makin sure he's
"temperamentally sound" when IN FACT, it's their abuse and
insanity that makes dogs and children fearful, aggressive,
hyperactive and neurotic, as their ignorameHOWES abusers
CONtinue to DENY the FACTS.
with that evil "glare from across the room" when you was BEIN
ALL dogs, kats an children are HIGHLY SENSITIVE.
Some words from Dr. Fetko:
"In dog training, Jerk is a noun, not a verb."
We're repeatedly told that dog training requires jerking the dog's
chain choke - or even pinch - collar and to lift and shake them by
the scruff of their necks and pin them on their backs. I've trained
dogs (and many other species) all over the world for decades and
was taught to use those methods nearly 40 years ago. (That's how
up-to-date they are!) But those methods are NOT necessary, nor as
effective or quick as gentler methods. I haven't jerked a collar in
20 years! All good training is based upon trust and respect; how
does a social mammal trust or respect someone who jerks, hangs or
pins it?"
Dr. Fetko's Philosophy:
Dogs are like wet cement - whatever touches them makes a lasting
impression. So please make every touch loving.
The following quotes are from Dr. Dennis Fetko, noted
veterinary behaviorist and EXXXPERT COURT WITNESS:
While testifying at a California State Senate Hearing, I was asked
to define abuse. One I offered: Unnecessary physical or psychological
force in excess of what is required to achieve the goal. This, and
others I stated, were accepted by the entire Hearing panel.
I have disabled clients and I've known severe physical compromise.
If one can train dogs successfully without jerking collars, pinning,
hanging or scruffing, then doing so is, by definition, abuse. Why
pay someone to abuse your dog? Besides, must you really pay for
that level of input? Like you'd never have thought of that on your
When 88% of the adult dogs I'm paid to train have already been
professionally trained, something's wrong. You pay good money for
professional advice; get it.
Formerly San Diego's Dispute Resolutions Officer, I've qualified in
criminal and civil courts representing both plaintiffs and
defendants as an expert in animal training and behavior, abuse,
aggression, "collecting" and animal nuisances dozens of times for
many years. I'm in legal demand because, with my background and
extensive hands-on experience, my testimony is very difficult to
rebut. Contact me if you, your attorney or someone you know is ever
involved in a legal case involving animals."
And Jerry also HAS similar expert witness testimony
experience, and Jerry WILL TESTIFY for FREE.
My methods are practical, gentle and successful because working with
animals is not academic or secondary to me, it's WHAT I DO!
Like you, I hear and read strange things about animals, training and
behavior. But having done it full time for many years, I know what
Methods have effects no one talks about. I say: "Jerk is a noun, not
a verb" and "Nothing with a pulse belongs on a chain" because I
haven't jerked collars or used chains in decades - and I do this
every day, sometimes with very unfriendly dogs! Have you ever been
to Sea World? Who jerks Shamu? If we can train huge feral predators
to a high level of safe performance without active physical
reprimands, HOW DARE WE tell you to jerk your dog's neck?!
Ever notice that people with "bad memories" know all the words to
dozens of songs? That's because music and singing are FUN! A fun,
playful, relaxed attitude is very conducive to learning. Why do we
remember the alphabet forever but forget the times table immediately
after the exam? Because we SANG, PLAYED and ACTED OUT the alphabet!
It was FUN and GAMES!
Then why make dog training hard, negative work for your dog? Our
own experience (and much research) clearly demonstrates that a
harsh approach inhibits learning and retards memory, yet many
people jerk lessons into dogs and drill them until they rebel. WHY?
(sounds just like Jerry so far...)
Anyone who doesn't know the difference between a boss and a bully
shouldn't touch anything with a pulse. We've all had bad experiences
with bullies; why pay someone to bully your dog and, even worse,
make you do so? (sounds a little light compared to Jerry... Jerry's
gonna put you outta business.)
If you take a dog through training and it's much better on lead than
off it, WHY? It's the same you, the same dog and the same command;
why is it better on lead than loose?
The main reason is that most training teaches the
dog to fear the equipment, not respect the handler.
"Without the equipment, you can't do bad things to me -
so leave a note!"
Bye the bye, the alphalpha roll, pupularized by job
michael evans of the monkeys of not so new skeete
had been RENOUNCED by himself, as the MOST
REGRETABLE MISTAKE of his career, and shortly
pryor to his demise, recommended that NO WON
Date: 1999/01/15
Subject: Re: Another mouthy lab
Get this book:
"The Art of Raising A Puppy," by the Monks of New Skete
If you can't find it locally, you can obtain it
through my Web site (see below).
You'll need it for more than just the usual puppy
"mouthing" problems, anyway.
And good luck with your Lab puppy!
PSYCHOLOGICAL Pavlovian and Ericksonian
CONditioning AIN'T a matter of LUCK; "LUCK is
The Puppy Wizard's DADDY <{}'; ~ ) >
From: Tara <***>
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2005 17:58:51 GMT
Subject: Re: good dog training books?
I've personally seen their methods (as applied by
them) NOT work on dogs they themselves have bred.
IMO, their methods actually made the underlying
problems *worse*. In three cases, where they both
bred and trained the dogs, they subsequently washed
their hands of the dogs and suggested euthanasia....
and then promptly tried to talk the owners into taking
another one of their own pups.
Since I have serious issues and doubts about the
practices and ethics of the Monks, I obviously
only support the latter two ;-)
From: *** (Michael Erskine)
Date: 12 Aug 2004 10:09:05 -0700
Subject: My GSD bit me.
The question:
I have a four year old male GSD. He growls at
me sometimes. When he growls at me he stares me
in the face and lays his ears back.
The New Skete books say that the dog should not be
allowed to do that. They suggest shaking down the
dog by grabing the dog on the sides of his neck and
picking him off his front feet, then giving the dog the
same sort of treatment the dog would give another if
it were challenging him.
Namely getting in the dogs face and letting
the dog know you are the alpha dog.
Well, my dog bit me clearly he felt that I was not
convincing enough or he bit me out of fear.
Anyone got ideas on what to do with this dog that might
help him to decide that he wants to follow and that he
has nothing to fear from me?
From: Charlie Wilkes <***>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 17:21:14 GMT
Subject: Re: My GSD bit me.
You need to improve your acting skills. Get a werewolf
suit with blood-drenched fangs and claw gloves and THEN
go after your dog.
Knock the shit out of him and don't be afraid to crack
some ribs. Then yank the mask off and shout "SURPRISE!
IT'S ME!" I guarantee you and your dog will have a new
relationship based on mutual respect.
Keep in mind that the monks of New Skete were pre-Lon-Chaney.
Are we havin FUN yet?
CONvention agreements for dealin with prisoners of war <{}: ~ ( >
of the Great Danes and English Mastiffs I've trained.
Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy,
Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizard's 100%
with dangerHOWES human opponents <{}: ~ ) >
they're likely to GET EVEN.
intermittent "REMINDERS" of "WHO'S THE BOSS," like an abusive
He'd RESPECT your gentle authority and WIZE leadership.
WOULDN'T HE <{}: ~ ( >
scan you'd SEE the dog was in a state of NEURO PSYCHOGENIC
HIM bythe throat an show him HOWE COME he should act RESPECTFUL.
Not so handsome, not so gentle, not so manly, not so
happy jackass not even morrison aka dogman aka BIG
DADDY tommy sorenson sez:
"I don't know how big you are, kiddo, so this may
not be as easy for you as it is for me, but use
a little "knee action," that is, as the dog goes
charging by you, just give the dog a little bop
with your knee and shin. Yep, really lean into it.
Even knock her over, if you can, but make sure to
make her think twice about rushing past you again -
- which is exactly what you want her to do.
Don't bother with scolding her, she'll get the message.
If it happens again, just REPEAT the knee action.
When she steps on your toes, just pick up your foot
abruptly and nudge her with your knee. Again, no
scolding is necessary here, so you don't have to
worry about her "over-reacting."
I don't think this is necessarily a lack of respect
for you, just a lack of training. That is, she just
needs *more* of it."
"My objective is always to find a way that WORKS.
And if it is DANGEROUS behavior that I'm trying
to modify, behavior than can get the dog KILLED,
I will resort to ANYTHING to save him.
Okay. Call me a cruel, inhumane, abusive bastard
if you want to, but it doesn't affect me at all.
When you've saved the lives of as many dogs as I
have, you'll learn that that's the only thing that
really matters. Saving lives and making dogs become
good citizens
At no time do the Monks *ever* advocate beating a
dog. A swat on the rump or a check to the chin does
*not* constitute a "beating."
"This, from a yellow-bellied coward who has TOTALLY refused
to engage me in debate, preferring mudslinging, hyperbole,
distortion, lies, exaggeration, and to take Koehler completely
out of context, instead," From: *** (Dogman) Date:
Subject: Re: Koehler's Usefulness--A Concluding Assessment
That's a curiHOWES way to show him you're PLEASED <{}: ~ ( >
was on accHOWENTA I WAS AFRAID of them, on accHOWENTA
they was bein a THREAT. OtherWIZE I'd simply tell them
they should act NICE and THEY WOULD, just like any dog
kat or child <{}: ~ ) >
WOULDN'T THEY <{}: ~ ) >
ever had for attackin a HUMAN in the same manner <{}: ~ ( >
he gets away with teachin DECENT PEOPLE to ABUSE their dogs
and children <{}: ~ ( >
cesar millan is a dog and child abusin misogynist, coward, and sissy.
Watch Yourself On South Park:
Tsst! part 1 Tsst! South Park DOG WHISPERER:
South Park DOG WHISPERER part 2/2:
called RESCUES MURDER dogs who attack PEOPLE <{}: ~ ( >
intimidation and witholding ATTENTION and AFFECTION to
Dogs THAT make sense on ANY level??
develop the INTELLECTUAL capacity to stop usin FEAR
the SCIENCE of behavior to teach your dog to TRUST you
enough so's IT WON'T ATTACK YOU when you SCARE
him or withold his STUFF?
you'd NEVERY HURT them.
WOULD YOU <{}: ~ ( >
On accHOWENTA that'd be INSANE behavior.
WOULDN'T IT <{}'; ~ ) >
"The day may come when the rest of the animal creation
may acquire those rights
which never could have been withholden from them
but by the hand of tyranny.
The question is not can they REASON,
nor can they TALK,
but can they SUFFER?" -
- Jeremy Bentham
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised
for the good of its victims,
may be the most oppressive.
Those who torment us for our own good
will torment us without end,
for they do so with the approval of
their own conscience." -
- C.S. Lewis.
"Death is better, a milder fate than tyranny",
Aeschylus (525BC-456BC),
"Only the unenlightened speak of wisdom and right action
as separate, not the wise.
If any man knows one, he enjoys the fruit of both.
The level which is reached by wisdom
is attained
through right action as well.
He who perceives that the two are one knows the truth."
"Even the wise man acts in character with his nature,
indeed all creatures act according to their natures.
What is the use of compulsion then?
The love and hate which are aroused
by the objects of sense arise from Nature,
do not yield to them.
They only obstruct the path," -
- Bhagavad Gita,
adapted by Krishna with permission
from His OWN FREE copy of The Simply
Amazing Puppy Wizard's FREE Wits' End
Dog Training Method manual <{) ; ~ ) >
The Methods, Principles And Philosophy Of Behavior
Never Change,
Or They'd Not Be Scientific
And Could Not Obtain
Consistent, Reliable, Fast, Effective, Safe Results
For All Handler's And All Critters,
And ALL Behaviors
ALL OVER The Whole Wild World,
As Taught In Your Own FREE Copy Of
The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey
SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard's
WWW Wits' End Dog, Child, Kat, Goat, Ferret, Monkey
SpHOWES And Horsey
Training Method Manual<{) ; ~ )>
All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
-Arthur Schopenhauer
"Thank you for fighting the fine fight--
even tho it's a hopeless task,
in this system of things.
As long as man is ruling man,
there will be animals (and humans!)
abused and neglected. :-(
Your student," Juanita.
"If you've got them by the balls
their hearts and minds
will follow,"
John Wayne.
"Mit der Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens!"
"Against stupidity the Gods themselves contend in vain!"
-Friedrich Schiller.
In Love And Light,
I Remain Respectfully, Humbly Yours,
The World's CRUELEST Trainer
Jerry Howe,
The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply
*M-A-J-E-S-T-I-C* *G-R-A-N-D* *M-A-S-T-E-R*
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Ferret, Goat, Monkey
SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard <{) ;~ ) >
Jerry Howe,
Director of Research,
Human And Animal Behavior
Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory,
BIOSOUND Scientific,
Director of Training,
Wits' End Dog Training
1611 24th St
Orlando, FL 32805
Phone: 1-407-425-5092 (Call ANY TIME)
TheSimplyAmazingPuppyWizard @HotMail.Com
(_o_) Have a great day!
/ V)
(l l l) Your Puppy Wizard. <{YPW} ; ~ } >
Since i got the new pup a few weeks ago i have
been watching these Dog TV Shows like
<big snip... more on those issues comin soon>been watching these Dog TV Shows like
Thanks for gettin the ball rollin... as HOWER dog
lover pals post their idiotic, insane, innane replies
I'll reply to you postin their own POSTED CASE
ABUSE an MURDERIN their own fearful, neurotic,
hyperactive an deathly ill dogs <{}:~ ( >
From: A Poor Shepherd Boy And His Dog At His Masters Feet
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 03:13:59 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Dog Whisperer's Pit Bulls????
HOWEDY sandman,
Just how much control would Caesar have over his PB's
in a situation where 2 or 3 of his pack got into a fight?
0. ZERO. NONE. ZILCH. ZIP. a situation where 2 or 3 of his pack got into a fight?
intimidating EVERY dog in his "PACK". HOWEver,
soon as WON dog turns on HIM, or if the ces turns
his back on them, his own dogs would attack and
murder him in a New York second like HOWE any
other gang of Mexican thugs takin CON-TROLL of
their ringleader <{}: ~ ( >
As "PACK LEADER" the ces relies on FEAR FORCE
TROLL of his TERRORFIED family pack of "calm
submissive" dogs.
Instinct takes over in a pack and it would be a frenzy.
INDEEDY. It is my desire to WONday be invited to visitthe ces to deamonstrate EXXXACTLY that point. All the
ces's dogs need is to have WON dog NOT FEAR his so
called authority or WON human visitor tell him to go shit
in his sombrero and his FAMILY PACK of fearful dogs
will tear him a new a$$HOWEL <{}: ~ ) >
The rest of the pack would NOT just stand
around and watch quietly,
Rumor has it that his pack has had several melt downs.around and watch quietly,
at least that is what I've seen of pack behavior.
That's CORRECTO. the ces keeps his family of fearful dogsunder strict intimidation, therefore they all fear him equally.
HOWEver, it will take only WON dog to challenge HIM and
his gravey train turns into the Big Brown River <{}: ~ ( >
That's why they call it a "pack", remember?
INDEEDY <{}: ~ ) >Caesar is terrific,
That's ABSURD. the ces is a dog child an woman abusincoward and fraud. I've proven this FACT many times.
I personally believe he's a sissy man.
You can tell by HOWE he walks an talks.
but I do not think he should take visitors into his pack
of PB's as a demonstration.
I do not think he should have his lies faerie tails and abuseof PB's as a demonstration.
publicized on Jew run National Geographic T.V. <{}: ~ ( >
There's just no way he could break up a pack
fight empty handed and protect his visitors.
CORRECTO. THAT'S HOWE COME he WARNS folksfight empty handed and protect his visitors.
"DON LOOK. DON TOUCH. Let them come to you" as
he intimidates each approaching dog to remind them who's
the boss.
His "successfully rehabilitated" dogs NEED CONSTANT
otherWIZE they revert back to their WILD state.
HOWE in the heel do you think he got hisself a pack of
more than thirty dogs? You think he went into the gang
infested areas of L.A. and ADOPTED them? Pussyman
woulda got hisself raped beaten an robbed.
My only gripe with C.
Perhaps you don undersan the nature of the ces phenomenom?:"The Jews start to panic about being exposed and therefore up
their attack on breaking down America, by encouraging the illegal
immigration of millions of Mexicans into America, and then using
their lobby groups to get the government to give them all amnesty.
The idea is many fold, but it includes: using their centuries old
policy of divide and conquer; getting cheap labour for the
multinational companies they own; and using the social and
economic problem of massive Mexican immigration to divert the
Americans attention from Jewish supremacism."
the ces is a ILLEGAL Mexican. He should have his assets seized
and be deported to Sunny Mehico like any illegal criminal. Let the
taco bender take his wife and kids with him if Ol Mehico will accept
Where does the ces get his GENIUS dog trainin methods?
The Koehler Method of Dog Training (1962).
New York: Howell Book Book House(p. 52-53)."
"First, the trainer makes certain that the collar and leash
are more than adequate for any jerk or strain that the dog's
most frantic actions could cause. Then he starts to work the
dog deliberately and fairly to the point where the dog makes
his grab. Before the teeth have reached their target, the dog,
weight permitting, is jerked from the ground.
As in coping with some of the afore-mentioned problems the dog
is suspended in mid-air. However, to let the biting dog recover
his footing while he still had the strength to renew the attack
would be cruelty.
The only justifiable course is to hold him suspended until he
has neither the strength nor inclination to renew the fight.
When finally it is obvious that he is physically incapable of
expressing his resentment and is lowered to the ground, he will
probably stagger loop-legged for a few steps, vomit once or twice,
and roll over on his side.
The sight of a dog lying, thick-tongued, on his side, is
not pleasant, but do not let it alarm you
"If your dog is a real "hood" who would regard the foregoing
types of protest as "kid stuff" and would express his resentment
of your efforts by biting, your problem is difficult -- and
"Professional trainers often get these extreme problems. Nearly
always the "protest biter" is the handiwork of a person who, by
avoiding situations that the dog might resent, has nurtured the s
eeds of rebellion and then cultivated the resultant growth with
under correction.
When these people reap their inevitable and oftentimes
painful harvest, they are ready to avail themselves of
"the cruel trainer" whose advice they may have once
rejected because it was incompatible with the sugary
droolings of mealy-mouthed columnists, breed-ring biddies,
and dog psychologists who, by the broken skins and broken
hearts their misinformation causes, can be proven guilty
of the greatest act of cruelty to animals since the dawn
of time.
"With more genuine compassion for the biting dog than would
ever be demonstrated by those who are "too kind" to make a
correction and certainly with more disregard for his safety,
the professional trainer morally feels obligated to perform
a "major operation."
"Since we are presently concerned with the dog that bites in
resentment of the demands of training, we will set our example
in that situation. (In a later chapter we will deal with the with
the much easier problem of the dog that bites someone other
than his master."
Not so handsome, not so gentle, not so manly, not so
happy jackass not even morrison aka dogman aka BIG
DADDY tommy sorenson sez:
"I don't know how big you are, kiddo, so this may
not be as easy for you as it is for me, but use
a little "knee action," that is, as the dog goes
charging by you, just give the dog a little bop
with your knee and shin. Yep, really lean into it.
Even knock her over, if you can, but make sure to
make her think twice about rushing past you again -
- which is exactly what you want her to do.
Don't bother with scolding her, she'll get the message.
If it happens again, just REPEAT the knee action.
When she steps on your toes, just pick up your foot
abruptly and nudge her with your knee. Again, no
scolding is necessary here, so you don't have to
worry about her "over-reacting."
I don't think this is necessarily a lack of respect
for you, just a lack of training. That is, she just
needs *more* of it."
"My objective is always to find a way that WORKS.
And if it is DANGEROUS behavior that I'm trying
to modify, behavior than can get the dog KILLED,
I will resort to ANYTHING to save him.
Okay. Call me a cruel, inhumane, abusive bastard
if you want to, but it doesn't affect me at all.
When you've saved the lives of as many dogs as I
have, you'll learn that that's the only thing that
really matters. Saving lives and making dogs become
good citizens
At no time do the Monks *ever* advocate beating a
dog. A swat on the rump or a check to the chin does
*not* constitute a "beating."
Where does the ces learn to abuse innocent defenseless
dumb critters like that? EZ, he learned it from his
koehler book:
"This, from a yellow-bellied coward who has TOTALLY refused
to engage me in debate, preferring mudslinging, hyperbole,
distortion, lies, exaggeration, and to take Koehler completely
out of context, instead," From: *** (Dogman) Date:
Subject: Re: Koehler's Usefulness--A Concluding Assessment
ALL Critters Only Respond In
To Situations And Circumstances Of Their Environment
Which We Create For Them:
Damn The Descartean War of "Nature Vs Nurture."
We Teach By HOWER Words And Actions
"Only the unenlightened speak of wisdom and right action
as separate, not the wise.
If any man knows one, he enjoys the fruit of both.
The level which is reached by wisdom
is attained
through right action as well.
He who perceives that the two are one knows the truth."
"Even the wise man acts in character with his nature,
indeed all creatures act according to their natures.
What is the use of compulsion then?
The love and hate which are aroused
by the objects of sense arise from Nature,
do not yield to them.
They only obstruct the path," -
- Bhagavad Gita,
adapted by Krishna with permission
from His OWN FREE copy of The Simply
Amazing Puppy Wizard's FREE Wits' End
Dog Training Method manual <{) ; ~ ) >
"The day may come when the rest of the animal creation
may acquire those rights
which never could have been withholden from them
but by the hand of tyranny.
The question is not can they REASON,
nor can they TALK,
but can they SUFFER?" -
- Jeremy Bentham
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised
for the good of its victims,
may be the most oppressive.
Those who torment us for our own good
will torment us without end,
for they do so with the approval of
their own conscience." -
- C.S. Lewis.
"Death is better, a milder fate than tyranny",
Aeschylus (525BC-456BC),
Adventures Of Z Dog Wheeesperer
Butch, English Bull Dog
HOWEDY People,
Welcome to The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely
Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child,
Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And
SUCCESSFUL FREE WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual
Forums And Human And Animal Behavior Forensic Sciences
Research Laboratory.
I'm Jerry Howe, The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely
Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child, Pussy,
Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizard,
Director Of Trainin an Research. You'll find me live and
in person at
topics?hl=en <{}: ~ ) >
Here's my manual:
There you will find ALL the FREE information you need
to pupperly handle raise and train your pets and family.
Just follow the instructions PRECISELY and ASK me if
you need any additional FREE HEELP <{}: ~ ) >
Butch, English Bull Dog
Butch tells the ces that his bitE *IS WORSE* than his bark.
"He's UNBALANCED," sez the ces... "Pinning dog to floor
returns IT to state of BALANCE. I'm as much SPIRITUAL
energy as PHYSICAL," sez cesar millan, z dog wheeesperer <{}: ~ ) >
Here's cesar's "SPIRITUAL ENERGY" spillin HOWETA his physical body:
Is that Stigmata??
No, it's the RESULT of ABUSE and SHEER IDIOCY <{}: ~ ( >
Here's cesar's TOOLS:
"Loop the lead (it's basically a GIANT nylon or leather
choke collar) over his snarly little head, and give him a
stern correction" --Janet Boss
Dear lcrolley,
As you saw from last nights episode,
Unfortunately I tuned in just as the ces was pinning ButchAs you saw from last nights episode,
to the floor in a remarkable deamonstration of PSYCHOLOGICAL
dog trainin <{}: ~ ( >
I was afraid of getting bit too.
INDEEDY. THAT'S HOWE COME dog lovers ask the ces *(a Sado-Masochist), who doesn't mind gettin attacked when "facing
down fighting dogs *(who are actually GLADIATORS) in the
highest state of aggression," to jerk choke and intimidate
their dogs into a calm submissive state for them, using the
TOOLS of their PREFERENCE, usually pronged spiked pinch or
slip choke collars and restriction harnesses or "gentle
leader TM" neck twisters and shock collars <{}: ~ ( >
"It is by muteness that a dog becomes
so utterly beyond value."
Like a confessor Priest?
"With him, words play no torturing tricks..., "
--John Galsworthy.
Don't bet your dog won't tell on you...
Their behaviors reflect
HOWER words, actions and training quirks.
Jerry HOWE, The Puppy Wizard. <{} ; ~ ) >
But Cesar gave me the tools,
INDEED?Here's your dog abusin coward pal cesar millan, z dog
wheeesperer, abusin your dog and gettin attacked while
"teachin IT" not to have so much FUN playin with the
garden hose:
Here's Sunshine, The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely
Simply Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child, Pussy,
Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizard's
FREE WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual Student, bein
TRAINED to not obsess over the hose:
Where does the ces learn to abuse innocent defenseless
dumb critters like that? EZ, he learned it from his
koehler book:
"This, from a yellow-bellied coward who has TOTALLY refused
to engage me in debate, preferring mudslinging, hyperbole,
distortion, lies, exaggeration, and to take Koehler completely
out of context, instead," From: *** (Dogman) Date:
Subject: Re: Koehler's Usefulness--A Concluding Assessment
The Koehler Method of Dog Training (1962).
New York: Howell Book Book House(p. 52-53)."
"First, the trainer makes certain that the collar and leash
are more than adequate for any jerk or strain that the dog's
most frantic actions could cause. Then he starts to work the
dog deliberately and fairly to the point where the dog makes
his grab. Before the teeth have reached their target, the dog,
weight permitting, is jerked from the ground.
As in coping with some of the afore-mentioned problems the dog
is suspended in mid-air. However, to let the biting dog recover
his footing while he still had the strength to renew the attack
would be cruelty.
The only justifiable course is to hold him suspended until he
has neither the strength nor inclination to renew the fight.
When finally it is obvious that he is physically incapable of
expressing his resentment and is lowered to the ground, he will
probably stagger loop-legged for a few steps, vomit once or twice,
and roll over on his side.
The sight of a dog lying, thick-tongued, on his side, is
not pleasant, but do not let it alarm you
"If your dog is a real "hood" who would regard the foregoing
types of protest as "kid stuff" and would express his resentment
of your efforts by biting, your problem is difficult -- and
"Professional trainers often get these extreme problems. Nearly
always the "protest biter" is the handiwork of a person who, by
avoiding situations that the dog might resent, has nurtured the s
eeds of rebellion and then cultivated the resultant growth with
under correction.
When these people reap their inevitable and oftentimes
painful harvest, they are ready to avail themselves of
"the cruel trainer" whose advice they may have once
rejected because it was incompatible with the sugary
droolings of mealy-mouthed columnists, breed-ring biddies,
and dog psychologists who, by the broken skins and broken
hearts their misinformation causes, can be proven guilty
of the greatest act of cruelty to animals since the dawn
of time.
"With more genuine compassion for the biting dog than would
ever be demonstrated by those who are "too kind" to make a
correction and certainly with more disregard for his safety,
the professional trainer morally feels obligated to perform
a "major operation."
"Since we are presently concerned with the dog that bites in
resentment of the demands of training, we will set our example
in that situation. (In a later chapter we will deal with the with
the much easier problem of the dog that bites someone other
than his master."
Not so handsome, not so gentle, not so manly, not so
happy jackass not even morrison aka dogman aka BIG
DADDY tommy sorenson sez:
"I don't know how big you are, kiddo, so this may
not be as easy for you as it is for me, but use
a little "knee action," that is, as the dog goes
charging by you, just give the dog a little bop
with your knee and shin. Yep, really lean into it.
Even knock her over, if you can, but make sure to
make her think twice about rushing past you again -
- which is exactly what you want her to do.
Don't bother with scolding her, she'll get the message.
If it happens again, just REPEAT the knee action.
When she steps on your toes, just pick up your foot
abruptly and nudge her with your knee. Again, no
scolding is necessary here, so you don't have to
worry about her "over-reacting."
I don't think this is necessarily a lack of respect
for you, just a lack of training. That is, she just
needs *more* of it."
"My objective is always to find a way that WORKS.
And if it is DANGEROUS behavior that I'm trying
to modify, behavior than can get the dog KILLED,
I will resort to ANYTHING to save him.
Okay. Call me a cruel, inhumane, abusive bastard
if you want to, but it doesn't affect me at all.
When you've saved the lives of as many dogs as I
have, you'll learn that that's the only thing that
really matters. Saving lives and making dogs become
good citizens
At no time do the Monks *ever* advocate beating a
dog. A swat on the rump or a check to the chin does
*not* constitute a "beating."
"This, from a yellow-bellied coward who has TOTALLY refused
to engage me in debate, preferring mudslinging, hyperbole,
distortion, lies, exaggeration, and to take Koehler completely
out of context, instead," From: *** (Dogman) Date:
Subject: Re: Koehler's Usefulness--A Concluding Assessment
ALL Critters Only Respond In
To Situations And Circumstances Of Their Environment
Which We Create For Them:
Damn The Descartean War of "Nature Vs Nurture."
We Teach By HOWER Words And Actions
In The Problem Animal Behavior BUSINESS
For The Problem Child Behavior BUSINESS.
"Things do not change; we change." - Henry David Thoreau
Seems what the ces "teaches" "US" is to EXXXCESSIVELY
EXXXORCISE the dog into an EXXXHAUSTED state he calls
calm submission and then terrorizes IT into attackin him, an then
jerks an chokes the dog an pins IT to the floor "till dog accept you
LEADERSHIP" <{}: ~ ) >
And of curse, that NEVER WORKS in the long run. the ces's
"students" MUST ALWAYS jerk choke and intimidate their dogs
Here's the SCIENCE:
B.F. Skinner: Re-evaluation of Punishment
Punishment, unfortunately traditionally overused,
actually has been proven not effective at long-
term behavioral change, and creatures will find
other ways of getting what it wants. In "Freedom
and the control of men" American Scholar, Winter
1955-56, 25, 47-65. 1956 he states:
If we no longer resort to torture in what we call
the civilized world, we nevertheless still make
extensive use of punitive techniques in both
domestic and foreign relations. And apparently for
good reasons. Nature if not God has created man
in such a way that he can be controlled punitively.
People quickly become skillful punishers (if not,
thereby, skillful controllers), whereas alternative
positive measures are not easily learned.
The need for punishment seems to have the support
of history, and alternative practices threaten the
cherished values of freedom and dignity.
Fear involved with punishment causes frustration:
with typical results loathing, hostility and apathy.
Skinner's teaching on the superiority of posittive
reinforcement's benefits for keeping desired behavior
have proved very valuable.
In the followin SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH STUDY, you may
substitute pronged spiked pinch or slip choke collars
for shock and add PUNISHMENT, SCOLDING and witholding
attention and affection:
Psychological Effects
At issue is the question, --Do electronic training
devices elicit psychological responses?
"This section cites several research studies in which the
psychological impact of the use of electronic training devices
was analyzed. It is difficult, at best, for anyone to determine
the full psychological effect of these devices or training methods
until we can agree on exactly what constitutes a stress signal in
a domestic dog. Not only do none of the researchers agree on
what it is, but it varies from dog to dog.
It is even more difficult for humans to determine the full effect
of shock on a dog (or any animal) due to the animal's hard-wired
need to hide pain in order to survive in the wild.
Training dogs with the help of the shock collar: Short and long
term behavioral effects. (Schilder, M. & van der Borga, J. (2004).
Applied Animal Behavior Science, 85, 319-334).
The goal of this study was to determine the behavioral changes in
dogs during training using electronic training collars. Thirty-two
dogs were divided into two groups, each receiving both general
obedience and protection training.
One group was trained with shock collars and the other group
without shock collars. The dogs trained with the shock collars
displayed signs of stress: lowering of body posture, high-pitched
yelps, barks and squeals, avoidance, redirected aggression, and
tongue flicking.
It was also noted by the authors that, even during play and relaxed
walking, the group of dogs trained with shock collars continued to
show signs of stress while in the company of their handler.
The authors concluded that shock-collar training is stressful;
receiving shocks is a painful experience to dogs; and the shock
group of dogs evidently learned that the presence of their owner
(or his commands) announced the reception of shocks, even
outside of the normal training context.
They suggest that the welfare of these shocked dogs is at
stake, at least in the presence of their owners.
This study has come under considerable fire because the experience
of the handlers and dogs is not clear, and the level of shock is not
stated. With that said, it does suggest that dogs are stressed by the
experience of being shocked during training.
that gave me confidence in knowing that Butch wants nothing
more than to follow ME as his "Pack Leader". It is so awesome
how all of Cesar's teaching tools are all common sense,
INDEED?:more than to follow ME as his "Pack Leader". It is so awesome
how all of Cesar's teaching tools are all common sense,
Abuse / Fear / Aggression / Hyperactivity / Shyness /
Depression / Suicide Attempts AIN'T Genetic Problems,
Passed On From WON GeneratiHOWEN Of Abuser
To The Next,
Like The 100th Monkey Washin Fruit In The Stream;
After A While It's Not Just NORMAL, It's -OBLIGATORY-
To Do OtherWIZE Would Be
Of Your Parental Teachins.
The Puppy Wizard's SYNDROME Is the Perfect Synergy Of Love,
Pride, Desire, Shame, Greed, Ego, Fear, Hate, Reflex, Self
Will, Arrogance, Ignorance, Predjudice, Cowardice, Disbelief,
Jealousy, Embarrassment, Embellishment, Guilt, Anger,
Hopelessness, Helplesness, Aversion, Attraction, Inhibition,
Revulsion, Repulsion, Change, Permanence, Enlightenment, Insult,
Attrition And Parental / ReligiHOWES / Societal CONDITIONING;
It Is The Perfect Fusion Of The Word..., In The Physical.
"Only the unenlightened speak of wisdom and right action
as separate, not the wise.
If any man knows one, he enjoys the fruit of both.
The level which is reached by wisdom
is attained
through right action as well.
He who perceives that the two are one knows the truth."
"Even the wise man acts in character with his nature,
indeed all creatures act according to their natures.
What is the use of compulsion then?
The love and hate which are aroused
by the objects of sense arise from Nature,
do not yield to them.
They only obstruct the path," -
- Bhagavad Gita,
adapted by Krishna with permission
from His OWN FREE copy of The Simply
Amazing Puppy Wizard's FREE Wits' End
Dog Training Method manual <{) ; ~ ) >
ALL Temperament And Behavior Problems Are CAUSED BY
but as simple as they are we don't think of them first.
Of curse not <{}: ~ ) >A DOG Is A DOG;
As A Mass Murderer Is A Mass Murderer.
In The Problem Animal Behavior BUSINESS
For The Problem Child Behavior BUSINESS.
We try to make it harder than it really is.
INDEEDY~! That's what makes "US" FEEL like we're bein SUCCESSFUL~!Just think we don't let our kids run over us,
Of curse not~! AS STATED ABOVE <{}: ~ ( >"As is above, so is below":
Subject: Re: Discipline
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 02:43:46 -0500
From: Amanda <***>
To: "N
On Wednesday 15 January 2003 01:54, "N wrote:
i responded in katie's mail.. youll get it before this one :)
i'm not the expert.. mr. howe is teaching me.. and im figuring
alot out.. plus its just coming to me.. two months ago i would
cry cuz i was soooo lost... and now i go ahead and live it...
like he gave me just enough for my brain to fill in the rest?
when i would swat in my early parent years.. up until i got
crunchy this last year.. i swore spanking was great.. a lil
bit of fear in yo' momma is what i would say.. and my family
supported me.. you can spank and not be abusive.
then i felt guilty... not because i knew better, but becuase
you guys and others did it wihtout spanking.. better than me...
but i would still say i just have bad kids.. then i started
feeling guilty..asked for help.. got some advice and it worked
some.. but not much.. enough to make me think i did it.. then
it wouldn't help..
then i heard him tell someone on the news group:
"Do you think hitting babies is intelligent" and i was
like whoa.. now i feel like cockaroach and pray every
time i distract them that they can somehow grow up
not to hate me..
and i pray i caught myself in enough time.
but we will allow our family dog to.
Perhaps THAT'S on accHOWNTA the dog iswilling to DEFEND HISSELF.
That comes from ***HIS*** PARENTAL TEACHINS <{}'; ~ ) >
From our experience with Butch, I would suggest that you start
off by standing your ground with Guiness. So that he knows "I'm
suppose to do what Mom says."
That'll PROVOKE the dog to ATTACK his abuser <{}: ~ ( >off by standing your ground with Guiness. So that he knows "I'm
suppose to do what Mom says."
Being a huge Dog Whisperer fan,
As a "HUGE DOG WHEEESPERER FAN", HOWE COMEdo you suppHOWES this pathetic ignorameHOWES coward
AIN'T been able to TRAIN his dog not to FEAR and ATTACK him??
I had always had a difficult time completely understanding
what (or actually how to exhibit) "calm assertive energy".
Ah ha~! Seems it's been a life long psychiatric problem <{}: ~ ( >what (or actually how to exhibit) "calm assertive energy".
When Cesar was at our house, I honestly told him that
I didn't understand what he meant by that phrase.
Did the ces pin you to the floor to teach you CALM ASSERTIVENESS?I didn't understand what he meant by that phrase.
He helped me to understand it better, by explaining to me.
Oh, he TALKED NICE to you, did he??In nature if you watch a Mama Dog with her puppies, when we
see a puppy getting on the Mama Dog's nerves she will push
them with her nose or gently snap at them, it gets their
attention and they know "oh, Mama didn't like me playing like
That's only partially correct. Mom dogs can be PSYCHOS, too,see a puppy getting on the Mama Dog's nerves she will push
them with her nose or gently snap at them, it gets their
attention and they know "oh, Mama didn't like me playing like
just like mom humans. Studies have shown that abusive mom dogs
are usually the result of abusive owners <{}: ~ ( >
Also think back to when you were a child, you'r mother could
be across the room from you, and see you doing something she
did not approve of.
INDEED?be across the room from you, and see you doing something she
did not approve of.
Perhaps THAT'S on accHOWENTA her EXXXPERTEASE *(dismal failure) as a
competent teacher and parent? OtherWIZE the child woulda
LEARNED HOWE to behave apupriately and be RESPECTFUL of her wishes?
Your mother could give you "that look", without saying a word,
You mean, mom would INTIMIDATE the child <{}: ~ ( >and you immediately knew "opps, I'm going to get
in trouble if I don't stop".
INDEED? And what kinda trouble would that mean? A spankin? Lossin trouble if I don't stop".
of PRIVILEDGES? No cookie? Some children DON'T FEAR losin a treat
or bein banished to their crate or goin to bed withHOWET dinner
or gettin a beatin with a heavy man's leather belt <{}: ~ ( >
That energy your mother projected to you from
across the room was "calm assertive energy".
INDEED? And when her "calm assertive energy" runs low,across the room was "calm assertive energy".
it becomes a deamonstration of ALPHA LEADERSHIP:
Subject: < BEFORE -> "Jerry, You filthy, Unctuous,
No Good Charlatan,"
< AFTER -> "Thank You Jerry For Putting Up With
A Constant Barrage Of Really Infantile
Crap At The Hands Of Supposedly Adult
Dog Lovers.
'Naive' Is Believing You Can Terrorize
A Dog Into Good Behavior," Robert Crim.
Subject: Re: Fritz---a retrospective
Date: 02/05/1999
You filthy, unctuous, no good charlatan. If you had
any idea of what dogs and dog people were about
you would realize the depths of the absolute loathing
and contempt I hold for you right now. Were it not
for the blessed distance and anonymity that the internet
gives us from the scummy likes of you, I would probably
be in a jail cell right now for turning you into the pile
of shit you really are
Hey, Howe, you really are a wacko, eh?Date: 02/05/1999
You filthy, unctuous, no good charlatan. If you had
any idea of what dogs and dog people were about
you would realize the depths of the absolute loathing
and contempt I hold for you right now. Were it not
for the blessed distance and anonymity that the internet
gives us from the scummy likes of you, I would probably
be in a jail cell right now for turning you into the pile
of shit you really are
Crim wrote this about *YOU,* you insipid piece of cow dung!
On Thu, 17 Jun 1999 20:24:15 -0700, dogsnus
Hey, do like me, and killfile Jerry.
He has millions of people aleady reading his posts and
watching him extract his soggy foot out of his mouth!
Out of these MILLIONS, I've only seen 2 naive childs
come forward and actually believe in his training manual.
Robert Crim writes:Hey, do like me, and killfile Jerry.
He has millions of people aleady reading his posts and
watching him extract his soggy foot out of his mouth!
Out of these MILLIONS, I've only seen 2 naive childs
come forward and actually believe in his training manual.
I assume that I and my wife are those two naive childs
since I freely admit to having read and, I hope, understood
enough of the manual and it's counterparts by John Fisher
and the posts of Marilyn Rammell to believe and use it.
This naive child would like to say thank you to both
Jerry and Marilyn for putting up with a constant barrage
of really infantile crap at the hands of supposedly
adult dog lovers.
The other naive child (LSW) has to put up with the
nagging idea that if people like them had been posting
earlier, maybe we would not have had to hold the head
of a really magnificent animal in our arms while he was
given the needle and having to hug him and wait until he
gasped his last gasp.
To my mind, "naive" is believing you can terrorize a dog.
Naive is believing that people that hide behind fake
names are more honest than people that use their real
names. Naive is thinking that dilettante dog breeders
and amateur "trainers" like Joey (lyingdogDUMMY, j.h.)
are the equal or better than those that have studied and
lived by their craft for decades.
"Stupid" is believing that people do not see kindergarten
level insults for what they are. Really stupid is believing
that people like Jerry Howe and Marilyn Rammell are
going to just go away because you people act like fools.
Why do you act like fools? I really have no idea, and I
don't really care.
And, to date: I've not seen ONE come forward and
actually admit to buying and having success with his
little black box.
I think I'm going to get one myself for Father's day andactually admit to buying and having success with his
little black box.
take it down to the Animal Shelter for their use and
testing. You would never believe the results, so you'll
never know.
Anyone by now that doesn't see a scam man coming by
Jerry's posts deserves to get what is sure to be coming
to him! LOL!
I don't see a "scam man", so I guess I and LongsufferingJerry's posts deserves to get what is sure to be coming
to him! LOL!
Wife and Rollei will just have to get what we deserve,
eh? As Joey (Dogman) says, "poor Rollei.".......right.
Yes it was, and that is sad.Robert, Longsuffering Wife and Rollei (do I get to
listen to the box first?)
Crim wrote THAT about *YOU,* tommy, "you insipid piece of cow dung!"
Abused children often grow up to become SADO-MASOCHISTS
like the ces, who ENJOYS HURTIN and GETTIN HURT, or become
MASS MURDERERS, like Hitler and Eichmann or Ted Bundy, or
child molestors, like John Cooey <{}: ~ ( >
This is going to sound counter-intuitive, but really, you're askin
liars, dog abusers, cowards, and active, accute, chronic, life long
incurable malignant maliciHOWES mental cases who believe
that obedience training with pronged spiked pinch choke and
shock collars, offering and witholding bribes, locking dogs in
boxes and ignoring their cries and spraying aversives in their
faces and surgically sexually mutilating and murdering innocent
defenseless dumb critters is the best thing for him.
These pathetic miserable stinkin rotten lyin animal murderin
mental cases think that suffering CONSEQUENCES will give
him the sense that his behavior controls what happens to him:
"No more random world. He needs a schedule for food, sleep,
outside bathroom breaks, training, and exercise",
"Postitive emotions arising in connection
with the perfection of a skill, irrespective
of its pragmatic significance at a given
moment, serve as the reinforcement. IOW,
emotions, not outside rewards, are what
reinforces any behavior," Ivan Pavlov.
Sam Corson, Pavlov's Last Student Demonstrated At UofOH,
That Rehabilitation Of Hyperactive Dogs Can Easily And
Readily Be Done Using TLC. Tender Loving Care Is At The
Root Of The Scientific Management Of Doggies.
"All animals learn best through play," Lorenz.
"Despite Skinner's clear denunciation of "negative
reinforcement" (1958) NEARLY EVERY LEARNING
THEORY model involves the USE OF PUNISHMENT.
Of curse, Skinner has never to my knowledge,
demonstrated HOWE we escape the phenomenon
that an expected reward not received is experienced
as a punishment and can produce extensive and
persistent aggression (Azrin et al, 1966)."
"It is NO WONDER that the marked changes in
deviant behavior of children can be achieved
through brief, simple educative routines with
their mothers which modify the mother's social
behaviors shaping the child (Whaler, 1966). Some
clinics have reported ELIMINATION ofthe need for
child THERAPY through changing the clinical emphasis
from clinical to parental HANDLING of the child
(Szrynski 1965).
A large number of cases improved sufficiently after
preliminary contact with parents that NO treatment
of children was required, and almost ALL cases
SHOWE a remarkably shortened period for therapy.
Quite severe cases of anorexia nervosa have been
treated in own to five months by simply REPLACING
the parents temporarily with EFFUSIVELY LOVING
SUBSTITUTES (Groen, 1966)."
"The IMBECILITY of some of the claims for operant
technique simply take the breath away. Lovas et al
(1966) report a standard contingent reward/punishment
procedure developing imitative speech in two severly
disturbed non verbal schizophrenic boys. After twenty-
six days the boys are reported to have been learning
new words with alacrity. HOWEver, when REWARDS
were moved to a delayed contingency the behavoir and
learning immediately deteriorated.
Programs utilizing the "contingencies of reinforcement
model" proposed by Skinner (1963) are no more well
established in research than the various dynamic therapists.
Research in four areas : 1) direct evaluation of programmed
systems for learning; 2) reinforcement; 3) cognitive dissonance;
and 4) motivation, MOST SURELY DEMOLISH the claims
of operant programers."
DESPITE ALL THAT, and MORE, these pathetic miserable
stinkin rotten lyin animal murderin mental cases think that they
can jerk choke shock bribe crate intimidate mutilate an murder
innocent defenseless dumb critters with impunity and BLAME
the DOG, the BREED, or the BREEDER for not makin sure he's
"temperamentally sound" when IN FACT, it's their abuse and
insanity that makes dogs and children fearful, aggressive,
hyperactive and neurotic, as their ignorameHOWES abusers
CONtinue to DENY the FACTS.
With Butch, I had to stand in front of him (with Cesar by
my side) place my hands on my hips, look at him without
saying anything and in my mind repeat "you WILL do what I
want you to do". This projected my calm assertive energy
to him.
Oh? Is that PSYCHIC dog trainin?my side) place my hands on my hips, look at him without
saying anything and in my mind repeat "you WILL do what I
want you to do". This projected my calm assertive energy
to him.
And Butch would begin sitting for me as if he was asking for
my permission, or he would lay down and submit to me.
Oh, I see, it's intimidation, kinda like HOWE mom taught youmy permission, or he would lay down and submit to me.
with that evil "glare from across the room" when you was BEIN
One of the key tools Chap, Chapin & I learned was how to make
Butch submit to us by rolling him over and holding our thumb
in his neck.
Ahhh, you mean, the SPIRITUAL dog trainin method <{}: ~ ( >Butch submit to us by rolling him over and holding our thumb
in his neck.
ALL dogs, kats an children are HIGHLY SENSITIVE.
Some words from Dr. Fetko:
"In dog training, Jerk is a noun, not a verb."
We're repeatedly told that dog training requires jerking the dog's
chain choke - or even pinch - collar and to lift and shake them by
the scruff of their necks and pin them on their backs. I've trained
dogs (and many other species) all over the world for decades and
was taught to use those methods nearly 40 years ago. (That's how
up-to-date they are!) But those methods are NOT necessary, nor as
effective or quick as gentler methods. I haven't jerked a collar in
20 years! All good training is based upon trust and respect; how
does a social mammal trust or respect someone who jerks, hangs or
pins it?"
Dr. Fetko's Philosophy:
Dogs are like wet cement - whatever touches them makes a lasting
impression. So please make every touch loving.
The following quotes are from Dr. Dennis Fetko, noted
veterinary behaviorist and EXXXPERT COURT WITNESS:
While testifying at a California State Senate Hearing, I was asked
to define abuse. One I offered: Unnecessary physical or psychological
force in excess of what is required to achieve the goal. This, and
others I stated, were accepted by the entire Hearing panel.
I have disabled clients and I've known severe physical compromise.
If one can train dogs successfully without jerking collars, pinning,
hanging or scruffing, then doing so is, by definition, abuse. Why
pay someone to abuse your dog? Besides, must you really pay for
that level of input? Like you'd never have thought of that on your
When 88% of the adult dogs I'm paid to train have already been
professionally trained, something's wrong. You pay good money for
professional advice; get it.
Formerly San Diego's Dispute Resolutions Officer, I've qualified in
criminal and civil courts representing both plaintiffs and
defendants as an expert in animal training and behavior, abuse,
aggression, "collecting" and animal nuisances dozens of times for
many years. I'm in legal demand because, with my background and
extensive hands-on experience, my testimony is very difficult to
rebut. Contact me if you, your attorney or someone you know is ever
involved in a legal case involving animals."
And Jerry also HAS similar expert witness testimony
experience, and Jerry WILL TESTIFY for FREE.
My methods are practical, gentle and successful because working with
animals is not academic or secondary to me, it's WHAT I DO!
Like you, I hear and read strange things about animals, training and
behavior. But having done it full time for many years, I know what
Methods have effects no one talks about. I say: "Jerk is a noun, not
a verb" and "Nothing with a pulse belongs on a chain" because I
haven't jerked collars or used chains in decades - and I do this
every day, sometimes with very unfriendly dogs! Have you ever been
to Sea World? Who jerks Shamu? If we can train huge feral predators
to a high level of safe performance without active physical
reprimands, HOW DARE WE tell you to jerk your dog's neck?!
Ever notice that people with "bad memories" know all the words to
dozens of songs? That's because music and singing are FUN! A fun,
playful, relaxed attitude is very conducive to learning. Why do we
remember the alphabet forever but forget the times table immediately
after the exam? Because we SANG, PLAYED and ACTED OUT the alphabet!
It was FUN and GAMES!
Then why make dog training hard, negative work for your dog? Our
own experience (and much research) clearly demonstrates that a
harsh approach inhibits learning and retards memory, yet many
people jerk lessons into dogs and drill them until they rebel. WHY?
(sounds just like Jerry so far...)
Anyone who doesn't know the difference between a boss and a bully
shouldn't touch anything with a pulse. We've all had bad experiences
with bullies; why pay someone to bully your dog and, even worse,
make you do so? (sounds a little light compared to Jerry... Jerry's
gonna put you outta business.)
If you take a dog through training and it's much better on lead than
off it, WHY? It's the same you, the same dog and the same command;
why is it better on lead than loose?
The main reason is that most training teaches the
dog to fear the equipment, not respect the handler.
"Without the equipment, you can't do bad things to me -
so leave a note!"
Bye the bye, the alphalpha roll, pupularized by job
michael evans of the monkeys of not so new skeete
had been RENOUNCED by himself, as the MOST
REGRETABLE MISTAKE of his career, and shortly
pryor to his demise, recommended that NO WON
Date: 1999/01/15
Subject: Re: Another mouthy lab
Get this book:
"The Art of Raising A Puppy," by the Monks of New Skete
If you can't find it locally, you can obtain it
through my Web site (see below).
You'll need it for more than just the usual puppy
"mouthing" problems, anyway.
And good luck with your Lab puppy!
PSYCHOLOGICAL Pavlovian and Ericksonian
CONditioning AIN'T a matter of LUCK; "LUCK is
The Puppy Wizard's DADDY <{}'; ~ ) >
From: Tara <***>
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2005 17:58:51 GMT
Subject: Re: good dog training books?
I've personally seen their methods (as applied by
them) NOT work on dogs they themselves have bred.
IMO, their methods actually made the underlying
problems *worse*. In three cases, where they both
bred and trained the dogs, they subsequently washed
their hands of the dogs and suggested euthanasia....
and then promptly tried to talk the owners into taking
another one of their own pups.
Since I have serious issues and doubts about the
practices and ethics of the Monks, I obviously
only support the latter two ;-)
From: *** (Michael Erskine)
Date: 12 Aug 2004 10:09:05 -0700
Subject: My GSD bit me.
The question:
I have a four year old male GSD. He growls at
me sometimes. When he growls at me he stares me
in the face and lays his ears back.
The New Skete books say that the dog should not be
allowed to do that. They suggest shaking down the
dog by grabing the dog on the sides of his neck and
picking him off his front feet, then giving the dog the
same sort of treatment the dog would give another if
it were challenging him.
Namely getting in the dogs face and letting
the dog know you are the alpha dog.
Well, my dog bit me clearly he felt that I was not
convincing enough or he bit me out of fear.
Anyone got ideas on what to do with this dog that might
help him to decide that he wants to follow and that he
has nothing to fear from me?
From: Charlie Wilkes <***>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 17:21:14 GMT
Subject: Re: My GSD bit me.
You need to improve your acting skills. Get a werewolf
suit with blood-drenched fangs and claw gloves and THEN
go after your dog.
Knock the shit out of him and don't be afraid to crack
some ribs. Then yank the mask off and shout "SURPRISE!
IT'S ME!" I guarantee you and your dog will have a new
relationship based on mutual respect.
Keep in mind that the monks of New Skete were pre-Lon-Chaney.
Are we havin FUN yet?
Honestly, it took Cesar about 30 minutes in the begining to
win this battle, and I had to leave the room because of the
fight between the two.
That's INSANE, CRIMINAL behavior <{}: ~ ( >win this battle, and I had to leave the room because of the
fight between the two.
Cesar said Butch was like a gladiator, and he really was.
The abuses z dog wheeesperer "teaches" would violate the GenevaCONvention agreements for dealin with prisoners of war <{}: ~ ( >
After "war", Butch accepted the fact that he was not
going to win and rule Cesar.
the ces is a COWARD. I'd LOVE to see him abuse somegoing to win and rule Cesar.
of the Great Danes and English Mastiffs I've trained.
But to this day, if Butch begins to revert back
to his "selfish ways"
You mean, like HOWE he was PRYOR to his REHABILITATION?to his "selfish ways"
or try to test his leadership position
Does Butch try to access your bank accHOWENT or take the car?with us, we flip him, roll him over
place our thumb in his neck.
Ahhh, That's The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simplyplace our thumb in his neck.
Amazing, Majestic Grand Master Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy,
Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizard's 100%
with dangerHOWES human opponents <{}: ~ ) >
they're likely to GET EVEN.
It is his "attitude adjustment",
But only WHEN NECESSARY, ain't that CORRECT?so that he remembers "they're the pack
leader and I'm the follower".
If the ces's METHOD WORKED, your dog WOULDN'T NEED constant,leader and I'm the follower".
intermittent "REMINDERS" of "WHO'S THE BOSS," like an abusive
He'd RESPECT your gentle authority and WIZE leadership.
WOULDN'T HE <{}: ~ ( >
If we have trouble again with the hoses, we do this and while
he is down we will put the hose, broom, whatever the item is,
next to him, touch him with it while he is submissive so he
knows that he can be around it and everything is ok.
Oh, to teach Butch that the hose or broom is ALPHA <{}: ~ ) >he is down we will put the hose, broom, whatever the item is,
next to him, touch him with it while he is submissive so he
knows that he can be around it and everything is ok.
Once he gets up he doesn't want anything else to do with it.
Naaah?Cesar actually told us, that a dog in the total submissive
position is the most relax a dog will ever be in.
THAT'S INSANE. And it's DEAD WRONG. If you did a physiologicalposition is the most relax a dog will ever be in.
scan you'd SEE the dog was in a state of NEURO PSYCHOGENIC
HIM bythe throat an show him HOWE COME he should act RESPECTFUL.
You dog wants nothing more than to please you,
INDEED?Not so handsome, not so gentle, not so manly, not so
happy jackass not even morrison aka dogman aka BIG
DADDY tommy sorenson sez:
"I don't know how big you are, kiddo, so this may
not be as easy for you as it is for me, but use
a little "knee action," that is, as the dog goes
charging by you, just give the dog a little bop
with your knee and shin. Yep, really lean into it.
Even knock her over, if you can, but make sure to
make her think twice about rushing past you again -
- which is exactly what you want her to do.
Don't bother with scolding her, she'll get the message.
If it happens again, just REPEAT the knee action.
When she steps on your toes, just pick up your foot
abruptly and nudge her with your knee. Again, no
scolding is necessary here, so you don't have to
worry about her "over-reacting."
I don't think this is necessarily a lack of respect
for you, just a lack of training. That is, she just
needs *more* of it."
"My objective is always to find a way that WORKS.
And if it is DANGEROUS behavior that I'm trying
to modify, behavior than can get the dog KILLED,
I will resort to ANYTHING to save him.
Okay. Call me a cruel, inhumane, abusive bastard
if you want to, but it doesn't affect me at all.
When you've saved the lives of as many dogs as I
have, you'll learn that that's the only thing that
really matters. Saving lives and making dogs become
good citizens
At no time do the Monks *ever* advocate beating a
dog. A swat on the rump or a check to the chin does
*not* constitute a "beating."
"This, from a yellow-bellied coward who has TOTALLY refused
to engage me in debate, preferring mudslinging, hyperbole,
distortion, lies, exaggeration, and to take Koehler completely
out of context, instead," From: *** (Dogman) Date:
Subject: Re: Koehler's Usefulness--A Concluding Assessment
That's a curiHOWES way to show him you're PLEASED <{}: ~ ( >
but if your showing him your afraid
The ONLY REASON I've EVER grabbed a HUMAN by the throatwas on accHOWENTA I WAS AFRAID of them, on accHOWENTA
they was bein a THREAT. OtherWIZE I'd simply tell them
they should act NICE and THEY WOULD, just like any dog
kat or child <{}: ~ ) >
WOULDN'T THEY <{}: ~ ) >
then it makes him very confused.
Oh? You think the dog ATTACKS his "MASTER" on accHOWENTAhe's CONfHOWENDED? NO, he TURNS on his ABUSER on accHOWENTA HE'S
ever had for attackin a HUMAN in the same manner <{}: ~ ( >
My biggest fear was that Butch would bite me
INDEED? And the ces KNOWS THAT, and THAT'S HOWE COMEhe gets away with teachin DECENT PEOPLE to ABUSE their dogs
and children <{}: ~ ( >
cesar millan is a dog and child abusin misogynist, coward, and sissy.
Watch Yourself On South Park:
Tsst! part 1 Tsst! South Park DOG WHISPERER:
South Park DOG WHISPERER part 2/2:
and Chap would give him to the Bulldog Rescue
So, your spHOWES would GET RID or YOUR dog? Most socalled RESCUES MURDER dogs who attack PEOPLE <{}: ~ ( >
and my dreams of having a Bulldog would be over.
So, you've bought into a "METHOD" which uses fear forceintimidation and witholding ATTENTION and AFFECTION to
Dogs THAT make sense on ANY level??
I know how you feel,
Perhaps if you'd stop THINKIN with your FEELINS you'ddevelop the INTELLECTUAL capacity to stop usin FEAR
the SCIENCE of behavior to teach your dog to TRUST you
enough so's IT WON'T ATTACK YOU when you SCARE
him or withold his STUFF?
and I hope that Butch's story can be an encouragement
to you so that you can over come your fear of your dog.
Of curse, if you didn't FEAR your dog or child's behaviorsto you so that you can over come your fear of your dog.
you'd NEVERY HURT them.
WOULD YOU <{}: ~ ( >
On accHOWENTA that'd be INSANE behavior.
WOULDN'T IT <{}'; ~ ) >
"The day may come when the rest of the animal creation
may acquire those rights
which never could have been withholden from them
but by the hand of tyranny.
The question is not can they REASON,
nor can they TALK,
but can they SUFFER?" -
- Jeremy Bentham
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised
for the good of its victims,
may be the most oppressive.
Those who torment us for our own good
will torment us without end,
for they do so with the approval of
their own conscience." -
- C.S. Lewis.
"Death is better, a milder fate than tyranny",
Aeschylus (525BC-456BC),
"Only the unenlightened speak of wisdom and right action
as separate, not the wise.
If any man knows one, he enjoys the fruit of both.
The level which is reached by wisdom
is attained
through right action as well.
He who perceives that the two are one knows the truth."
"Even the wise man acts in character with his nature,
indeed all creatures act according to their natures.
What is the use of compulsion then?
The love and hate which are aroused
by the objects of sense arise from Nature,
do not yield to them.
They only obstruct the path," -
- Bhagavad Gita,
adapted by Krishna with permission
from His OWN FREE copy of The Simply
Amazing Puppy Wizard's FREE Wits' End
Dog Training Method manual <{) ; ~ ) >
The Methods, Principles And Philosophy Of Behavior
Never Change,
Or They'd Not Be Scientific
And Could Not Obtain
Consistent, Reliable, Fast, Effective, Safe Results
For All Handler's And All Critters,
And ALL Behaviors
ALL OVER The Whole Wild World,
As Taught In Your Own FREE Copy Of
The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey
SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard's
WWW Wits' End Dog, Child, Kat, Goat, Ferret, Monkey
SpHOWES And Horsey
Training Method Manual<{) ; ~ )>
All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
-Arthur Schopenhauer
"Thank you for fighting the fine fight--
even tho it's a hopeless task,
in this system of things.
As long as man is ruling man,
there will be animals (and humans!)
abused and neglected. :-(
Your student," Juanita.
"If you've got them by the balls
their hearts and minds
will follow,"
John Wayne.
"Mit der Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens!"
"Against stupidity the Gods themselves contend in vain!"
-Friedrich Schiller.
In Love And Light,
I Remain Respectfully, Humbly Yours,
The World's CRUELEST Trainer
Jerry Howe,
The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply
*M-A-J-E-S-T-I-C* *G-R-A-N-D* *M-A-S-T-E-R*
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Ferret, Goat, Monkey
SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard <{) ;~ ) >
Jerry Howe,
Director of Research,
Human And Animal Behavior
Forensic Sciences Research Laboratory,
BIOSOUND Scientific,
Director of Training,
Wits' End Dog Training
1611 24th St
Orlando, FL 32805
Phone: 1-407-425-5092 (Call ANY TIME)
TheSimplyAmazingPuppyWizard @HotMail.Com
(_o_) Have a great day!
/ V)
(l l l) Your Puppy Wizard. <{YPW} ; ~ } >