Yorkie playing mind games
(too old to reply)
2007-07-26 04:47:09 UTC

We have a 4 year old Yorkshire terrier (female) who recently started
to play games when we try to leave for work.

She attempts at sneaking out the garage door, and if successul, will
then sit outside and stare at you. If you attempt to pick her up,
she'll run away from you. It became a big problem when contractors
had the same thing happen and the neighborhood kids tried to help -
next thing we knew she was gone for four hours and we thought she
might be gone for good.

Is this an issue with exercise? We give her about 4/5 walks per week
(not daily but almost) - and she doesn't seem to be able to go for
long walks (only 4 pounds). Anyways, I realize we need to establish
the doorway as our domain and not hers. And I definitely feel like
she's become the alpha due to this issue.

When we do go for walks, we can walk without a leash. But if she sees
someone else walking, she suddenly becomes deaf and runs to that
person/other dog.

Any help is appreciate in what we should do....
2007-08-07 21:44:08 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
We have a 4 year old Yorkshire terrier (female) who recently started
to play games when we try to leave for work.
She attempts at sneaking out the garage door,
Are you saying that you keep her in the garage while you go out to
work? How long do you work for? You're not saying she's supposed to
stay in the garage all day, are you?
Post by m***@gmail.com
Is this an issue with exercise? We give her about 4/5 walks per week
(not daily but almost) - and she doesn't seem to be able to go for
long walks (only 4 pounds).
Dogs need as an absolute minimum 2 walks per day. If she isn't
getting this, no wonder she's out of condition. And no wonder she
runs away from you when she can.


If this post is serious rather than a wind-up and if you're concerned
about the welfare of your dog, you have a choice to make. Either you
buck up your act and start establishing a proper relationship with her
-- and that involves meeting her physical and emotional needs as an
active and social animal -- or you need to give her to people who have
more time for her.

All the best,
~shady angel~
2007-10-08 02:39:04 UTC
Post by tighe
Post by m***@gmail.com
We have a 4 year old Yorkshire terrier (female) who recently started
to play games when we try to leave for work.
She attempts at sneaking out the garage door,
Are you saying that you keep her in the garage while you go out to
work? How long do you work for? You're not saying she's supposed to
stay in the garage all day, are you?
Post by m***@gmail.com
Is this an issue with exercise? We give her about 4/5 walks per week
(not daily but almost) - and she doesn't seem to be able to go for
long walks (only 4 pounds).
Dogs need as an absolute minimum 2 walks per day. If she isn't
getting this, no wonder she's out of condition. And no wonder she
runs away from you when she can.
If this post is serious rather than a wind-up and if you're concerned
about the welfare of your dog, you have a choice to make. Either you
buck up your act and start establishing a proper relationship with her
-- and that involves meeting her physical and emotional needs as an
active and social animal -- or you need to give her to people who have
more time for her.
All the best,
Allot of people manage a dog or dogs and work but a garage is no place for
any dog in my opinion.
They should have either a fully fenced area that they are unable to get free
from or a dog run or chain with water and play toys of course to keep them
entertained, my dog loves nothing more then his favourite rugby ball and or
a rope and ball toy. Witch helped stop the chewing and digging he picked up
as a pup. If you work long hours see if a friend or neighbour can take it
for walks or go and play.

Sorry to disagree but I have a 30kg Pit X and he gets walked for 2 hours
once a day and seems happy and content with this, he's also allowed out on
supervised chain time also play time for an hour or so.
He is in great shape the vet said she hasn't seen a dog like him so well
taken care of, ever!
Hope this helps.
~shady angel~